Preparing Your Dog for Boarding: Tips for a Stress-Free Stay

Preparing Your Dog for Boarding: Tips for a Stress-Free Stay

Leaving your beloved pet behind when you travel can be a daunting experience for both you and your dog. Ensuring a stress-free stay for your dog at a boarding facility like Lakota Creek Kennels requires a bit of preparation. With the right steps, you can help your furry friend feel comfortable and secure while you’re away. Here are some tips to make the boarding experience as smooth as possible.

Choose the Right Boarding Facility

The first step in preparing your dog for boarding is to choose the right facility. Lakota Creek Kennels offers a safe, clean, and welcoming environment for your pet. Our trained staff is dedicated to providing personalized care and attention to each dog.

Consider the following when choosing a boarding facility:

  • Reputation: Check reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or your veterinarian.
  • Facilities: Visit the kennel to see where your dog will be staying. Look for cleanliness, safety measures, and comfortable accommodations.
  • Staff: Ensure the staff is knowledgeable, friendly, and attentive to the needs of the animals in their care.
  • Services: Consider additional services such as grooming, training, and playtime options.

Visit the Kennel Beforehand

Taking your dog for a visit to Lakota Creek Kennels before the actual boarding date can help them become familiar with the new environment. This visit can reduce anxiety as your dog gets accustomed to the sights, sounds, and smells of the facility.

During the visit:

  • Meet the Staff: Introduce your dog to the kennel staff. Positive interactions with the caregivers can build trust and comfort.
  • Tour the Facility: Walk around the kennel and let your dog explore. Familiarity with the surroundings can make the transition smoother.
  • Observe: Watch how the staff interacts with other dogs and ensure their approach aligns with your expectations.

Pack Comfort Items

Bringing a few items from home can provide comfort and reassurance to your dog. These familiar objects can help reduce stress and make the boarding experience more enjoyable.

Consider packing:

  • Bedding: A blanket or bed that smells like home can offer comfort.
  • Toys: Favorite toys can provide entertainment and a sense of familiarity.
  • Food and Treats: Bring your dog’s regular food and some treats to maintain consistency in their diet.
  • Personal Items: An old t-shirt or towel with your scent can be soothing.

Maintain a Regular Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and maintaining a consistent schedule can help reduce anxiety. Provide the kennel staff at Lakota Creek Kennels with details about your dog’s daily routine, including feeding times, walks, and playtime preferences.

Important routine details to share:

  • Feeding Schedule: Specify meal times and portion sizes.
  • Exercise Needs: Indicate how often your dog needs to be walked or exercised.
  • Medication: Provide detailed instructions if your dog requires any medication.
  • Special Instructions: Include any specific needs or preferences your dog has.

Prepare for Drop-Off Day

The day you drop off your dog at the kennel can be emotional for both of you. Staying calm and positive can help ease your dog’s anxiety.

Tips for a smooth drop-off:

  • Stay Calm: Dogs can sense your emotions, so remain calm and upbeat.
  • Keep It Short: Prolonged goodbyes can increase anxiety. Keep the farewell brief and positive.
  • Trust the Staff: Remember that the experienced staff at Lakota Creek Kennels will take excellent care of your pet.

Monitor Your Dog’s Health

Before boarding, ensure your dog is in good health. Lakota Creek Kennels requires up-to-date vaccinations to protect all animals in their care.

Health preparations:

  • Vaccinations: Ensure your dog’s vaccinations are current, including rabies, distemper, and kennel cough.
  • Flea and Tick Prevention: Administer flea and tick prevention treatments before boarding.
  • Medical Records: Provide the kennel with your dog’s medical history and contact information for your veterinarian.

Stay Connected

While your dog is boarding at Lakota Creek Kennels, staying connected can provide peace of mind.

Ways to stay in touch:

  • Regular Updates: Request updates from the kennel staff about your dog’s well-being.
  • Photos and Videos: Many kennels offer photo or video updates so you can see how your dog is doing.
  • Emergency Contact: Provide the kennel with your contact information and that of a local emergency contact in case you’re unreachable.


Preparing your dog for a boarding stay at Lakota Creek Kennels involves a bit of planning and preparation, but the effort is well worth it. By choosing a reputable facility, familiarizing your dog with the kennel, packing comfort items, maintaining routines, and ensuring your dog’s health, you can help create a positive and stress-free experience for your furry friend. Trust in the caring professionals at Lakota Creek Kennels to provide a safe and loving environment for your dog while you’re away.

Contact us today to learn more about our boarding services and to schedule a visit. We look forward to providing your pet with a comfortable and enjoyable stay.


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